Board of Commissioners
Board Requirements
Term: 5 years
Purpose: To operate the City Housing Authority, including but not limited to the making of rules, regulations, filing applications for and constructing facilities as approved by City Council in accordance with State Law.
Membership: Spartanburg Housing. A seven-(7) member board with each serving a five-(5) year term. Spartanburg Housing operates the City Housing Authority including but not limited to the making of rules and regulations, filing applications for and constructing facilities approved by City Council. Four (4) members shall be residents of the City of Spartanburg with one of these members being a tenant in a residence owned by SH. The other three (3) members are not required to be residents of the City of Spartanburg but if possible should represent a major Spartanburg County employer, a higher education facility and a foundation interested in the goals of Spartanburg Housing.
Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m.
Compensation: None.
Board Members:
John Fairey, Jr., Chair |
Brooks Gaylord, Vice-Chair |
Reggie Browning |
Matthew Myers |
Chunsta Miller |
Michelle Jones |
Ebony Gaffney |